Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

11 October 2022 2022-12-14 19:11

We inform you first


This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation 679/2016 (EU) (“GDPR”) to those who access and browse the website indicated below: (“Website”) in order to communicate to the user the types of cookies used from the Website as well as the relative methods of removal and deactivation of the same.

Data Controller
The Azienda Agricola Emanuele Scammacca del Murgo, with registered office in Via Zafferana, 13 Santa Venerina 95019 Catania, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative, is the Data Controller of your personal data (“Data Controller”) and operates in compliance with the required by Legislative Decree 196/03 Code regarding the protection of personal data (Privacy Code) and the Provision of 8 May 2014 “Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies” of the Italian Privacy Guarantor.

Method of acceptance
As specified in the brief information provided in the banner, you can give your consent to the use of cookies in a simplified form: by clicking on the “OK” button; closing the banner with the “X” key; scrolling the page or clicking any element of the contents within the pages of the site.
Continuing navigation by exiting this cookie policy without a specific choice of consent management is equivalent to granting consent to the use of all cookies.

What are Cookies
A cookie is a small file that is sent to the browser in use and saved on the user’s device when he visits the website. Cookies allow the site to function efficiently and improve its performance, and also provide information to the site owner for statistical or advertising purposes or to personalize the browsing experience by remembering your preferences.

Types of cookies used
In general, uses the so-called technical cookies necessary in order to guarantee the user the best functionality of the Website. If the user wishes to disable/refuse the use of these cookies, he can change the PC browser settings at any time, but in this case navigation on the Website and the use of the related contents could be compromised.

Navigation cookies
From the first access, these cookies allow the site to function properly and allow you to view the contents on the user’s device by recognizing the language and country of the navigator. They allow a registered user to access the services of the dedicated areas. Navigation cookies are technical cookies and are necessary for the site to function.

Functional cookies
These cookies allow a user to be recognized on subsequent accesses, without having to enter data on each visit, allowing you to continue shopping by finding the selected items. Functional cookies are not essential for the site to function, but they improve the quality and experience of navigation.

Analytical Cookies
Murgo also uses Google Analytics cookies in order to monitor and verify the use of the Website, knowing the pages viewed, the navigation methods, the origin of the surfers. More information on the Google Analytics Privacy Policy.

Social Network Cookies
These cookies are necessary to allow your social account to interact with our site. They are used, for example, to let you express your appreciation and to share it with your social friends. Social network cookies are not necessary for navigation. For more information on the policies for the use of cookies by Social Networks, you can consult the respective privacy and cookie policies:

Disable cookies
Most browsers are configured to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through the settings. However, we remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause unsatisfactory functioning of the site and/or limit the service we offer.
Below is the path to follow to manage cookies from the following browsers:
– for Chrome, see the dedicated page;
– for Mozilla Firefox see the dedicated page;
– for Internet Explorer, see the dedicated page;
– for Safari, see the dedicated page;
– for Safari iOS (mobile devices) see the dedicated page for Opera see the dedicated page.

More information
In order to obtain more information about the cookies used, how to refuse or disable them, you can contact:

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